Tuesday November 5, 2024 7:00 p.m. 2574 Portage Ave (at the Moray bridge)
Did you know that Ness Middle School for children as young as 10 years old has a washroom for both boys and girls that duals as a hallway?!? This washroom is cleaned and serviced all day long while the single sex washrooms are cleaned once per day and closed if they are dirty.
It has been reported that a student was so uncomfortable with this public school washroom that the child held herself all day, only to burst into her home to relieve herself at the end of the school day. Does this not endager a child's health and well-being? Don't children deserve the dignity of privacy in such a space?
Ness Middle School School Advisory Committee (SAC) Meeting Tuesday October 1, 2024 6:30 p.m. 3300 Ness Ave
Inviting all residents in the St. James-Assiniboia School Division area to the Ness Middle School SAC Annual General Meeting (AGM). Being a resident in the area automatically makes you an associate member.
Do you realize that Ness Middle school has a UN inspired inclusive bathroom for both male & female students that duals as hallway? Do you know that this school has a sexuality club for children as young as 10 years old? This is all funded by your tax dollars.
As a tax-payer funding this, do you support it? This is your chance to wittness the truth for yourself, attend the annual meeting, and advise the school principal on your thoughts on the matter.
Holly Hunter and senior admin are attempting to change policy to justify the actions of the admininstration who say there will be no election. Effectively, making it policy to exclude parents and community from schools in the SJASD.
All levels of SJASD administration are currently not allowing an election for parent representation by electing PAC Executives. This is contrary to Manitoba regulations. Listen to their voicemail and read their response below for yourself.
The administration is also not following policy that states how to properly advertise parent meetings. The SJASD Board of Trustees response to this is to make policy what excludes parents from schools. Instead of enforcing the administration to follow existing policy, they are planning at the next board meeting on December 5th, 2023 to adopt as policy the very method that minimizes parental rights and parental envolvement.
If you have children, live, or work in in the SJASD, then Manitoba Regulations automatically makes you a member of school councils. Come to this meeting and show your support for PARENTAL RIGHTS.
Calling on like minded trustee candidates to join in campaigning.
There are several spots to be filled and I am only one voice. We need several candidates to join in the race. Contact me to hear how an amalgamated effort will be mutually beneficial.
Wednesday June 28, 2023 | Updated Sept 13, 2023
June 6 Bannatyne Parent Council (BPC) meeting minutes fall short of complete. Would the BPC Late Meeting Minutes have been posted at all if not for this email?
Tuesday, April 11, 2023 | Updated September 13, 2023
SJASD Superintendent Jenness Moffatt was Chair of MASS.mb.ca Student Learning Committee whom pledge allegiance to Global Corporations in their 2019-2020 MASS priorities statement.
Watch Winnipeg Mayor Scott Gillingham respond to Christine Ronceray's allegation of funding sexually illegal content in libraries. An incredible display of courage and composure by Christine. Well done! Click below to watch Gillingham's response.
I encourage all my supporters to contact the honourable Minister of Education Nello Altomare and ask him about these letters. How is it that the SJASD can strip the Parental Rights of The Public Schools Act without judicial process or giving reason(s)? Use the email link below for a sample email that you can use.
The Honourable Nello Altomare, Minister of Education Email: minedu@leg.gov.mb.ca Room 168 Legislative Building 450 Broadway, Winnipeg MB R3C 0V8 Phone: (204) 945 3720
Another supporter...
October 26, 2022 Election Campaign
Audio Experience (40s):
Thank you for the many votes I received on October 26, 2022.
I grew up in St. James and attended the schools in this area graduating from the historical Silver Heights Collegiate. I have a great love for the community. The opportunity to serve and give back to my community is a great honour. I understand the importance of community. When I was growing up I struggled and received support directly from community members. This is my chance to give back.
I already have made contributions to the school by volunteering my time in the classrooms. I have also helped out as a lunchroom supervisor when needed.
Don't Just Play a Game. Make a Game!!!
I am an active Parent Council member at my children's school and have offered to bring my expertise to the classroom when it comes to programming their robots. I believe that teaching kids these fundamental concepts of computer coding is a major part of our children's future. Allowing them the opportunity to learn key concepts of coding at an early age is an important part of their future success and that of our economy.
I graduated from the University of Manitoba and have already served as a public servant for the federal government as well as the provincial government. Now I see a need for public service on the school board and I am stepping up for that challenge. With my expertise in my field, my ideas could save the school division money when it comes to technology. That money could be used by the other trustees who are screaming for more supports in the classroom. Such as social workers, educational assistants and child psychologists.
I look forward to hearing from my community members to hear what is important to them. Please call me to tell me what is important to you.
Privacy of Family Information
The School division has been using formsite.com to collect sensitive, private & confidential information from families. By using this site parents have been sending their private information to another country governed by laws outside Canada which state that it may be shared in turn with other countries/agencies and/or Advertising partners. Canadian Law states that personal information must be collected directly from the individual and not leaked in this way. I would seek to correct this by having the information collected directly by SJASD locally in Winnipeg. This would save money and keep families information safe.
I am the only candidate in my ward who is being open that I will vote No! once elected on SOGI123 to sexualize elementary students K-Gr4. We can teach our youngest students acceptance and kindness without subjecting them to sexually explicit imagery or asking them their sexual preferences. Further, according to the SOGI website that was provided to me from Eddie Ayoub (candidate for St. James Council) this program seeks to shut out any form of debate. Any program that shuts parents out has no place in public schools.
Show Support
Click to show your support now. I will be voting for Pierre Attallah on Oct 26
Join In
Join our campaign volunteers and be a part of change for the betterment of our community. We are currently seeking door to door flyer delivery for the upcoming SAC meeting. Now is your chance to join a winning team whom are making a difference: